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Credits & Publications

Scarlet Leaf Review

Gabriel comes home to find Maggie, his girlfriend, relapsing into her alcohol addiction. Published in 2018.


A collection of flash fiction stories featuring people who want a way out. When trapped on a space ship, in a coma, or just a bad situation, fight or flight instincts kick in one way or another. Most choose flight.

Professional Experience

For details about my work history, click the button below to download my resume. 


Flash Fiction | Crime

Legendary hitwomen Vivian de Fiore is having a hard time getting her client to pay up. But is everything as it seems?

The Forest's Wisdom
Novel Excerpt | High Fantasy

Asim, the Speaker for his rural swamp village, seeks out the ancient dryads to get answers about a mysterious artifact that fell from the sky.

Kinktober 2023
Writing Challenge | Erotica

A one-a-day writing challenge centering different kinks and other sexual scenarios, featuring the titular couple from my in-progress novel, Pride & Justice.


bigender means

A poem celebrating my bigender identity, and what it means to live in a way society deems contradictory.


First-hand experience with having the COVID-19 virus in the summer of 2020.

Magnet Monday Series

A weekly, ongoing collection of free-verse poetry, written using fridge magnets. Readers vote on the topic of each week's poem.

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